Tag Archives: treasury bonds

Nassim Taleb – CNBC 1/28/13

“If you cannot use randomness and disorder and variability and volatility as fuel, you won’t make it in the long run.”

Nassim Taleb on Icahn/Ackman: ‘They’re Only Human’
Monday, 28 January 2013 10:08 AM ET
Nassim Taleb, author of “Antifragile” and “The Black Swan,” shares his outlook for the U.S. economy, investment strategies and his thoughts on the heated conversation between Carl Icahn and Bill Ackman over Herbalife
Source: CNBC.com


“Banks borrow cheaply because you’re lending them every April 15 ok, you’re stopping them out.”

Nassim Taleb: We Have to Address the Core of the Problem
Monday, 28 January 2013 10:36 AM ET
Nassim Taleb, author of “Antifragile” and “The Black Swan,” discusses the U.S. economy. “This is not a healthy system. We have to address the core of the problem and we have not,” he says
Source: CNBC.com


via nassim taleb – CNBC.

Nassim Taleb Bloomberg 05/13/10

HatTip to EG!


NNT was also on CNBC yesterday. The interviewers get in the way somewhat but it’s worth watching.