Tag Archives: Small is Beautiful

Another attribute of small is beautiful: what we call democracy.

Another attribute of small is beautiful: what we call democracy.
The idea of democracy is to take the citizens’ location as fixed, and the identity of those in government as variable, the “representatives” matching the preferences of the people. But you can get similar results of representation, even under dictatorships, by varying the people’s location instead.
Assuming you are able to move to the canton or municipality where you feel the dictators represent your tastes & beliefs, such competition would put pressure on local municipal dictators to please taxpaying constituents so they stick around.
So the smaller the size of political units and the larger their number, the more democracy we get in the system.

via Another attribute of small is beautiful: what… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

I added a section on GMOs in the “Small is Beautiful” paper…

I added a section on GMOs in the “Small is Beautiful” paper. Remarkably any concentration (loss of diversity) acts the same way in the fragilization of systems.

Progressively zooming-in on GMOs… There is a bigger mathematical argument linked to “ecocide” not in this piece. Fail to understand how someone can claim “science” in their support or positions against them “unscientific” or “irrational”.

smallisbeautiful.pdf – Google Drive

via (1) I added a section on GMOs in the “Small is… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.