Tag Archives: Rana Mitter

BBC Radio 3 – Night Waves, Nassim Taleb

This is the best I’ve heard so far on the book tour. NNT is the first guest after the intro. Interesting to hear what he has to say about looking out for the weak. Will be very interested to hear if that came up in his Brooklyn talk with Russ Roberts (which I’m on the lookout for).

Nassim Taleb, The Old Regime and the Revolution, The Hunt

Monday 26 November 2012

Nassim Taleb, the banker-turned-philosopher who predicted the financial collapse of 2008, has been called ‘the hottest thinker in the world’. His internationally bestselling book, The Black Swan, was about the impact of rare, unpredictable events. In his latest book he expands on this theory and comes up with the concept of ‘antifragile’ – the idea that through small shocks and surprises humans (and financial systems) can become more than robust – they can thrive and become antifragile. But critics have labelled this theory ‘antisocial’. Rana Mitter meets Nassim Taleb to test the robustness…

via BBC Radio 3 – Night Waves, Nassim Taleb, The Old Regime and the Revolution, The Hunt.