Tag Archives: Khaled Asaad

Folta, GMOs, Khaled Asaad, City State, Regression,








Before the Folta Affair, was debatable. Today it’s the public’s only protection. Why it’s OK to ‘snoop’ on scientists http://t.co/BgrTU3iNa1

— NassimNicholasTaleb (@nntaleb) August 21, 2015
The New Engl Jour of Medicine is truuuuuuuuuly independent. Great antiBS article: GMOs, Herbicides, and Public Health http://t.co/UhxESMWSE6

— NassimNicholasTaleb (@nntaleb) August 20, 2015
RIP, Khaled Asaad, man of honor. Beheaded by ISIS. Skin in the game to the end. http://t.co/wNklL7REQR

— NassimNicholasTaleb (@nntaleb) August 19, 2015
Mike Bloomberg uses our framework on fragility, governance, and advantage of municipal-based systems vs centralized https://t.co/gz2jUTMkzO

— NassimNicholasTaleb (@nntaleb) August 19, 2015
Regression Shmegression: How regression fails under Fat Tails. pic.twitter.com/S2FaUQolsQ

— NassimNicholasTaleb (@nntaleb) August 19, 2015
Think slowly, act quickly. [The only Latin proverb that translates better than original. “Deliberandum est quidquid statuendum est semel”.]

— NassimNicholasTaleb (@nntaleb) August 17, 2015
Gamble; but never gamble with the wrong dice.

— NassimNicholasTaleb (@nntaleb) August 14, 2015