I now have a new job (well, sort of)…

I now have a new job (well, sort of). Starting the new academic year with a function, co-director and co-founder of the EXTREME RISK INITIATIVE, which should develop into an Extreme Risk Institute within NYU School of Engineering.

The initiative will include a collection of collaborators. Co-director Charles Tapiero.


In spite of the importance of extreme/hidden risks, there has not been a rigorous methodology to deal with them; statistical or mathematical approaches have not been formally reconciled with real-world decision-making the way engineering has traditionally integrated mathematics and real world heuristics. Extreme risks require both more mathematical and more practical rigor..

The “Extreme Risks Initiative”, ERI, is an NYU-School of Engineering interdisciplinary open research agenda, based on research axes defined by its members and a global research collaborations. Its approaches are at the intersection of the technical and the practical, based on a rigorous merger of theory and practice across interdisciplinary lines. These may include financial and economic engineering, urban risk engineering, transportation-networks, bio-systems, as well as global and environmental problems. A selected series of research axes as well as publications drawing on members’ Initiatives are included in the ERI a working paper series as well as current research enterprises.

via I now have a new job (well, sort of). Starting… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.