Tag Archives: enterprise architecture

The Antifragile Enterprise: Complexity Exists, but Let’s Not Overcomplicate it or IT. – Zen and the Art of Enterprise Architecture – Site Home – MSDN Blogs

So how can we think approach the topic of building an “antifragile” enterprise? First we have to accept Mr. Taleb’s assertion that this notion goes beyond building as system for resiliency. The system has to be built to accept micro amounts of stress or entropy in order to thrive. This is akin to how systems in nature thrive. Therefore stress should be treated as a positive event, not one that an architect should shy away from. But there is a second aspect of this stress. There has to be amount of observation and feedback into the system/solution in order to “comprehend” the stress. The capture of these events allows for the modern enterprise to incorporate the experience into the collective knowledge or the “muscle memory” or the organization. The learning organization comes directly from the practice of systems thinking. Therefore, I am making my own assertion that building an “antifragile” enterprise is one that knows how to exploit information effectively through the application of modern technology.

via The Antifragile Enterprise: Complexity Exists, but Let’s Not Overcomplicate it or IT. – Zen and the Art of Enterprise Architecture – Site Home – MSDN Blogs.