Tag Archives: Devaluation

2-Country Paradox, Devaluation, Deutsche Bank, Law of Large Numbers Under Fat Tails, Charles Eugster | Twitter

@nntaleb The certificate in Real World Risk Management: the decision of this month that required the most effort. pic.twitter.com/zt895wZt4Q Permalink 2016-02-09 15:14:00

@nntaleb Dottore Borghi don’t be upset but as FX deriv traders we banned trainees from talking to economists
@borghi_claudio @1svensktiger @went1955 Permalink 2016-02-09 14:58:00

@nntaleb This proves IMF bureaucrats make BASIC math errors. I tolerate errors in Italy because of the food. @borghi_claudio @1svensktiger @went1955 Permalink 2016-02-09 14:36:00

@nntaleb Incorrect. A currency “appreciates” by 100% its inverse will “depreciate” by 50%@borghi_claudio @LorenzoWVilla @braveheartmmt @went1955 Permalink 2016-02-09 14:29:00

@nntaleb When you change the sign you ALSO change the quantity (+150% <=> -60%). ELEMENTARY! @borghi_claudio @LorenzoWVilla @braveheartmmt @went1955 Permalink 2016-02-09 14:21:00

@nntaleb No wonder with such confusion economists blow up when they trade currencies. @borghi_claudio @EVonHoccheim @1svensktiger Permalink 2016-02-09 14:15:00

@nntaleb No, laws of mathematics are UNIQUE, except for BS vendors and economists. @borghi_claudio @EVonHoccheim @1svensktiger Permalink 2016-02-09 14:13:00

@nntaleb Devaluation for a currency != – reevaluation for another. See my text @1svensktiger @borghi_claudio @went1955 @lello_mascetti_ @a_presbitero Permalink 2016-02-09 14:06:00

@nntaleb It is deceiving & sensationalizing journalism to say 150% when it is only 60%. @felixsalmon @went1955 @NakedKeynes Permalink 2016-02-09 13:55:00

@nntaleb Which brings us to the 2-country paradox (Dynamic Hedg)
@felixsalmon @went1955 @NakedKeynes pic.twitter.com/rpr28LaYJn Permalink 2016-02-09 13:42:00

@nntaleb That is what I would call a 60% devaluation of the currency. @felixsalmon @went1955 @NakedKeynes Permalink 2016-02-09 13:28:00

@nntaleb Someone needs to explain to me very, very slowly what -150% means. I promise to listen calmly, without interrupting. https://twitter.com/went1955/status/697166056301977600   Permalink 2016-02-09 13:20:00

@nntaleb I had no concern over Deutsche B until the German Finance Minister stated we should have no concern over Deutsche B pic.twitter.com/w4YRC0fC8F Permalink 2016-02-09 08:08:00

@nntaleb I can tell the market is down & anxiety is high, without looking on the screen, when that day I am not trolled by finance people. Permalink 2016-02-09 05:49:00

@nntaleb Finally completed the “law of large numbers under fat tails”.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50282823/LargeN.pdf   Permalink 2016-02-09 04:04:00

@nntaleb Look at the video of CHarles Eugster: much sharper at 94 (now 96) http://www.charleseugster.net/videos
@Pete_Spence Permalink 2016-02-09 03:30:00

@nntaleb Winning an argument on twitter is equivalent to being victorious in a debate on a barge in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Permalink 2016-02-08 10:54:00

@nntaleb The Obama era is one of crony capitalism: Geithner blocked the punishment of JP Morgan, now paid for it. No! https://twitter.com/jamessaft/status/696714204800270336   Permalink 2016-02-08 07:25:00

@nntaleb Tell Hillary to give back the $335,000 she received from Monsanto’s top GMO lobby group – http%3A%2F%http://2Fwww.fooddemocracynow.org  %2Fnode%2F3432 Permalink 2016-02-08 07:04:00

@nntaleb If the word “Risk” comes from Arabic, then it comes from Aramaic; root means “share” or “portion” (of property).
https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/696304516405264384   Permalink 2016-02-08 04:36:00