Bureaucracy, Cliff Asness, Dictator, Monsanto, Boltan, Wolfram, Tillerson, Genealogy, Pi Day, Pompeo | Twitter

@nntaleb On a long flight to Tbilisi, a new book that opens the new science. pic.twitter.com/BUOcIL2tTA Permalink 12:16 PM – 28 Mar 2018

@LorenzTrader “Bureaucracy is a construction by which a person is conveniently separated from the consequences of his/her actions.” @nntaleb #SkinInTheGame pic.twitter.com/oOp9ZCpY14 Permalink 11:38 AM – 28 Mar 2018

@thackerpd I took exact measures of that depth here: Flacking for #GMOs How the Biotech Industry Cultivates Positive Media—and Discourages Criticism http://progressive.org/magazine/how-the-biotech-industry-cultivates-positive-media/   One of the reporters, @savortooth, has since inserted his nose even further up academic tuchus Permalink 7:14 AM – 28 Mar 2018

@nntaleb L’7ayét wa2fét 3izz Permalink 7:11 AM – 28 Mar 2018

@nntaleb On a scale of 0 to 100, paternity tests count as 99.99 and written/oral history count for .01. Apply that to populations. That’s plain stat/probability. We are seeing science in action. @iosif_lazaridishttps://twitter.com/iosif_lazaridis/status/978982852514770944   Permalink 6:18 AM – 28 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Book reviewers now have skin in the game: they are now unaware that their review can be turned into a test of reading comprehension –SAT style. For instance you can gauge @EasterbrookG’s reading comprehension level from this.https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/944284554168291330   Permalink 5:13 AM – 28 Mar 2018

@nntaleb It is the opposite of: religions avoiding to pronounce some holy words spelled out in full on the page. There is a demarcation between the holy and the profane, or the more or less holy and the profane. Permalink 4:33 AM – 28 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Aesthetics. I don’t like to see bulls**t fully spelled on a page, though I don’t mind seeing it on a screen.https://twitter.com/Javermas/status/978866618523639808   Permalink 3:43 AM – 28 Mar 2018

@axgry .@nntaleb is this what you mean by “skin in the game” ?https://twitter.com/BIUK/status/978587443069767680   Permalink 2:26 PM – 27 Mar 2018

@sharbatanu A packed hall listened to Mikhail Gromov quote Nassim Nicholas Taleb as “If you hear a ‘prominent’ economist using the word ‘equilibrium’ or ‘normal distribution’, just put a rat down his shirt” pic.twitter.com/YD4JV3QWts Permalink 10:38 AM – 27 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 5) There is this great theorem by Dubins and Savage, but I owe the much simpler games example to Cliff Asness @CliffordAsness who mentioned it in 1999 at lunch in NYC.https://www.amazon.com/How-Gamble-You-Must-Inequalities/dp/0486780643   Permalink 2:06 PM – 26 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 4) This is another example where pathologizing mental accounting by the Uberklueless and Verbiagiastic Richard Thaler @r_thaler fails: his model considers such path dependent strategies irrational. Permalink 2:01 PM – 26 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 3) The general principle #Antifragile is that when the payoff is bigger or you have your back to the wall you go for maximum variance (convexity). When the downside is bigger you go for minimum variance. Why explains why winning teams mark time and losing teams take risks. Permalink 1:50 PM – 26 Mar 2018

@mgpolitis Could be a variant of the theme “Η ημιμάθεια είναι χειρότερη από την αμάθεια”https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/977895229733916673   Permalink 12:43 PM – 26 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 2) Here is my solution, will generalize showing results across all regimes. Convexity (optionality) beats skills. Any time. #Antifragile @CutTheKnotMath pic.twitter.com/C1rBKtmIHW Permalink 12:14 PM – 26 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 1) This is a grrrrreat case study by Maestro Bogomolny @CutTheKnotMath showing OPTIONALITY matters more than skills: You can have >53% chance of winning when odds are against you is you have the option of switching between 2 (strategies, both of which have odds against you).https://twitter.com/CutTheKnotMath/status/975844094374285312   Permalink 12:11 PM – 26 Mar 2018

@MaxMakz #incerto change lives. Thank you / Danke / Спасибо @nntaleb pic.twitter.com/ldqEWW0KkD Permalink 11:15 AM – 26 Mar 2018

@ShapsterD the times and @nntaleb on the same page for once? pic.twitter.com/dMH7xvkTkX Permalink 9:57 AM – 26 Mar 2018

@Cernovich Paging @nntaleb for his excellent article, “The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority” https://medium.com/incerto/the-most-intolerant-wins-the-dictatorship-of-the-small-minority-3f1f83ce4e15  https://twitter.com/sainsburys/status/976872173523623936   Permalink 9:32 AM – 26 Mar 2018

@nntaleb The opposite of education isn’t ignorance but miseducation. Permalink 6:09 AM – 25 Mar 2018

@nntaleb That pill has to potential to transforming any regular person into an economist.https://twitter.com/clairlemon/status/977641234192777216   Permalink 5:00 AM – 25 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Soul in the game. He died for the sake of others. RIP, with our prayers and greatest respect.https://twitter.com/Gendarmerie/status/977438206550474754   Permalink 3:50 PM – 24 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Where revealing that you have skin in the game violates the principle that one should not market virtue (except when taking risk, by taking risk).https://twitter.com/NicGeaman/status/977653272835223553   Permalink 2:12 PM – 24 Mar 2018

@CutTheKnotMath A simple (some say “nasty”) integral https://www.cut-the-knot.org/proofs/YetAnotherSimpleIntegral.shtml   #FigureThat #math #calculus ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/TvFl0Ix20P”>  pic.twitter.com/TvFl0Ix20P Permalink 11:14 AM – 24 Mar 2018

@GMWatch Stop #Monsanto’s Secretary of State! Mexican corn products widely contaminated with GMOs & #glyphosate. And other news! https://mailchi.mp/2ee5e230eedd/daily-digest-351849   #gmo ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/kq5cN71V39″>  pic.twitter.com/kq5cN71V39 Permalink 10:45 AM – 24 Mar 2018

@nntaleb I’ve never met a Spanish grammar specialist.https://twitter.com/vinates/status/977569730860142594   Permalink 8:54 AM – 24 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Nothing wrong abt dismissing someone as a fool or a bulls***ter, i.e., not solid, not reliable in reasoning & conversation. But when someone’s viewpoint escapes a psychologist’s logic, he will impart some psychological cause to the divergence. Permalink 8:52 AM – 24 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Someone at dinner just asked me to define a “dictator”. Someone who doesn’t buy weapons from your government. Permalink 6:05 PM – 23 Mar 2018

@greekhistorypod Sicily – Land of the Phoenicians, via @GillianHovellhttps://muddyarchaeologistcouk.wordpress.com/2018/03/21/sicily-land-of-the-phoenicians/   Permalink 2:00 PM – 23 Mar 2018

@LorenzoWVilla In linea con quanto sostiene @nntalebhttps://twitter.com/istbrunoleoni/status/977186224426422272   Permalink 12:02 PM – 23 Mar 2018

@nntaleb I am not involved. BTW the technical SILENT RISK shows the plumbing behind The Black Swan. http://www.fooledbyrandomness.com/FatTails.html  https://twitter.com/dd_ann_61/status/976885542586667010   Permalink 8:00 AM – 23 Mar 2018

@SyrianLionesss Mothers day mass earlier this week in #Aleppo #Syria pic.twitter.com/ZxCGMV50OZ Permalink 7:54 AM – 23 Mar 2018

@chris_walker_ Inspired by @nntaleb, I tried cuttlefish ink pasta in Venice. I think it was the real thing! pic.twitter.com/zaln6IzAyP Permalink 7:14 AM – 23 Mar 2018

@thackerpd Spinning Science & Silencing Scientists: A Case Study in How the Chemical Industry Attempts to Influence Science https://democrats-science.house.gov/sites/democrats.science.house.gov/files/documents/02.06.18%20-%20Spinning%20Science%20and%20Silencing%20Scientists_0.pdf   Missed this House Report on disinformation created by #Monsanto operatives cc: @MariahCBlake @fastlerner Permalink 5:56 AM – 23 Mar 2018

@BrankoMilan My review of @nntaleb tetralogy http://glineq.blogspot.com/2018/01/the-importance-of-talebs-system-from.html   Permalink 7:13 PM – 22 Mar 2018

@nntaleb One thing that struck me at NASA-JPL: these were scientists, many PhDs, but were not academics. It hit me that they were BS-free: from contact w/real world, w/results in the micro world. It takes a certain mindset to send a robot to Mars AND make it actually get there.https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/976577262202966017   Permalink 6:37 PM – 22 Mar 2018

@nntaleb No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/976948306927607810   Permalink 4:11 PM – 22 Mar 2018

@JulianAssange 811 WikiLeaks files on John Boltan: https://search.wikileaks.org/?query=%22john+bolton%22+-sweep&exact_phrase=&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&include_external_sources=True&new_search=True&order_by=most_relevant#results   Permalink 3:58 PM – 22 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Out understanding of history would be much, much improved if “North Africa” was called “South Med” instead. Too many people think in words. Permalink 1:04 PM – 22 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Witness.https://twitter.com/ss_strength/status/976864370973134848   Permalink 9:59 AM – 22 Mar 2018

@noemie_issan Les honnêtes hommes, ça lit Montaigne et le Talmud. Un petit commentaire sur un narratif talmudique dans le dernier livre de @nntaleb “Jouer sa peau” https://twitter.com/noemie_issan/status/976833003837165569   Permalink 9:32 AM – 22 Mar 2018

@Jevaughn_Brown He ties ancient wisdom to modern insights with mathematical/scientific rigor while making it all accessible to the non-technical AND hilarious at the same time. Just incredible. Permalink 8:22 AM – 22 Mar 2018

@nntaleb BS vendors usually write popular science/philosophy books, those that tell people what they want to hear. Non BS vendors write anti-popular science/philosophy, those that disturb the maximum number of people. Permalink 6:14 PM – 21 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Unpopular book here means the book should disturb a certain number of people. Permalink 6:07 PM – 21 Mar 2018

@nntaleb The point is not that Sarkozy took money from Gadhafi. The problem is the ingratitude: he tried to eliminate him right after. Ingratitude is the worst trait in a human being.https://twitter.com/AFP/status/976498827459997696   Permalink 6:04 PM – 21 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Ramp is the generator of konveksity. Permalink 2:56 PM – 21 Mar 2018

@nntaleb BS vendors usually write popular science/philosophy books. Non BS vendors write unpopular science/philosophy. Permalink 2:54 PM – 21 Mar 2018

@nntaleb JPL lecktchur on Antifragility and Konveksity, in 9 min. pic.twitter.com/E9tU0C17iK Permalink 2:52 PM – 21 Mar 2018

@DaliaGlickman Interjecting as his daughter – my father and Nassim were business colleagues and friends. My father just mentioned Nassim last week and cherished their conversations about all things financial and philosophical. Permalink 7:21 AM – 21 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Ended up hiking with @stephen_wolfram (& others at Bezos’ #Mars2018), in the snow on a steep mountain wearing flaneuring shoes (Italian moccasins without socks). pic.twitter.com/6OkwKrS3e2 Permalink 5:47 PM – 20 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 6) look at this idiot @marcgunther who fell for ithttps://twitter.com/marcgunther/status/976174470644805634?s=21   Permalink 1:35 PM – 20 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 2) You cannot get the open butterfly with sum of sigmoidal functions (they are closed at the ends), but you can with ramp functions. In other words, neural nets can now capture tails of distributions! Permalink 8:31 AM – 20 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 1) Some thoughts from the Bezos #MARS2018 conference. Why Machine learning methods are very intuitive for option traders. Captures functions better than sigmoids (binaries). pic.twitter.com/OVUYfLH235 Permalink 7:47 AM – 20 Mar 2018

@embracethetrend Few men who have a handshake worth trusting. I agree with @nntaleb on the importance of honourhttps://twitter.com/voteboudreau/status/975884957993271297   Permalink 7:27 AM – 20 Mar 2018

@The_Cyrenian I am Syrian. In Syria. The “rebels” you and @nikkihaley support have killed many of my friends, and six of my family members – the youngest being two-years-old. Both of you have done nothing but bring death and destruction to us – especially to my community – Syria’s Christians.https://twitter.com/statedeptspox/status/976090852241166336   Permalink 7:26 AM – 20 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Sorely missed. Permalink 6:44 AM – 20 Mar 2018

@nntaleb RIP Rabbi Tony Glickman, who said “life is long gamma”. You will be missed.https://twitter.com/YUNews/status/975913856605310976   Permalink 6:40 AM – 20 Mar 2018

@TheStoicEmperor Steve Jobs had a very good understanding of @nntaleb’s crucial concept of “skin in the game.” pic.twitter.com/gybIDPWEPC Permalink 11:26 PM – 19 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Wolfram is a mathematician with skin in the game!https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/975902401382170624   Permalink 6:12 PM – 19 Mar 2018

@lawrennd Very lucky to spend time with @stephen_wolfram and @nntaleb .. we’re talking about you @matthewsyed pic.twitter.com/FJOdg2HCZq Permalink 6:08 PM – 19 Mar 2018

@mvachhar Sadly this won’t be the last time this happens. No #skininthegame (@nntaleb) means that bad actors are not removed from the ecosystem, leading to bad outcomes over and over again. Permalink 11:22 AM – 19 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Advice given to any young person: “I can’t tell you what to do. I can tell who what I’ve done. I’ve instinctively never gotten into a zero-sum business, such as academia, sports, bureaucracy, etc. The mark of a zero-sum business is hierarchy.” (Academia is a quarter position.) Permalink 7:57 AM – 19 Mar 2018

@kunalb11 “Men destroy each other during war, themselves during peacetime.” ― @nntaleb Permalink 3:26 AM – 19 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Trading prices are minority rules, not average of opinions. If there is wisdom, it’s the wisdom of the minority.https://twitter.com/St011M1/status/975449942603988992   Permalink 12:14 PM – 18 Mar 2018

@nntaleb I agree, but social media makes it easy to counter mob with mob. Eventually neutralizes.https://twitter.com/naval/status/975438767283515392   Permalink 11:33 AM – 18 Mar 2018

@nntaleb I know how to select co-authors.https://twitter.com/drcirillo/status/975395548797767686   Permalink 9:45 AM – 18 Mar 2018

@LouisLebbos A few more examples of Beirut architecture from my trip last month pic.twitter.com/Do2HJZ8AOD Permalink 7:40 AM – 18 Mar 2018

@CutTheKnotMath Random Numbers And Obtuse Triangle https://www.cut-the-knot.org/Probability/ObtuseTriangleInSquare.shtml   #FigureThat #math #probability ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/eSNkofIVp1″>  pic.twitter.com/eSNkofIVp1 Permalink 6:42 AM – 18 Mar 2018

@Extrachelle #Beirut balconies. pic.twitter.com/7AqTEUZZzR Permalink 3:26 AM – 18 Mar 2018

@nntaleb For instance, for a linear payoff, if you predict an event priced at 1% probability, you can be wrong 99% of the time. For the same probability w/ a convex payoff, you can be wrong 999 times out of 1000 and still do very well. Permalink 2:47 AM – 18 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 2) In other words, the predictions that matter are those with a large payoff and little costs. If you predict what other people are predicting, you get nothing (but a nice paper track record). Monoculture works for blabbering academics, not traders & people in the real world. Permalink 12:50 AM – 18 Mar 2018

@HarryDCrane Forecasting is anti-fragile among IYIs. Bad forecasts lead to reverse engineering on how forecasts can be improved for next time — most discussion after election focused on improving for next time, instead of stopping w prediction snake oilhttps://medium.com/@HarryCrane/the-modern-day-snake-oil-salesman-2ca934cc2ab   Permalink 8:35 PM – 17 Mar 2018

@nntaleb A prediction is wrong only if it costs you something. A prediction is right only if it makes you something. The rest is tawk. #skininthegame. Permalink 6:31 PM – 17 Mar 2018

@TimTravis2 Just finished reading the chapter in Skin in the Game about the michelin star restaurant versus just getting a pizza and was laughing hysterically because it is so true. Loving the book by the way. One of your best. Permalink 6:26 PM – 17 Mar 2018

@nntaleb This was with spelt. Works. Permalink 5:49 PM – 17 Mar 2018

@ArcheRomaion Kinds of Greeks: Alexandrians Cosmopolitan, inquisitive, affluent. At the crossroads of civilizations, the flux only began with the founding of the city in 331 BC. Producing philosophers, scientists, theologians & industrialists, most were expelled to #Greece by Nasser in 1956. pic.twitter.com/fjuyCv1JdZ Permalink 5:04 PM – 17 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Squid ink. pic.twitter.com/dA9Wi9Ii8P Permalink 5:02 PM – 17 Mar 2018

@orestistsinalis Fantastic interview of @nntaleb with @RalphNader on #SkinInTheGame. It’s so good it makes you think deeper about the book. https://shar.es/1Lj8Dj   Permalink 1:08 PM – 17 Mar 2018

@nntaleb No chi vuole la mamma carezza la bambina (sorry for the spelling, z3leni)https://twitter.com/z3leni/status/974999881633947648   Permalink 6:51 AM – 17 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 5) Effectively the “Monsanto troll army” is a shadow of its former self; either funding dropped or they got more careful. I am scheduled to talk to the German press abt Monsanto & meeting members of the board of Bayer in conjunction w/SITG pub in German. Permalink 6:34 AM – 17 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Debunk fake news, ESPECIALLY if they are on the side of your political opinions. It is the hardest thing to do. And make sure your correction of fake news is as vigorous as the inital annoucement. I dislike Gina Haspel & everything she stands for. But I put TRUTH first. Permalink 6:18 AM – 17 Mar 2018

@Sundaresaganesh @nntaleb a perfect Skin in the game – the last shot pic.twitter.com/h8qKPvzZF4 Permalink 4:07 AM – 17 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Armenians running for elections in Beirut. Wherever they go, Armenians give more than they take. pic.twitter.com/G0DnZGzAph Permalink 4:02 AM – 17 Mar 2018

@AlainPannetier pic.twitter.com/PXFfzI0FCR Permalink 1:11 AM – 17 Mar 2018

@nntaleb The man was destroying the IYI den of the state department. For the first time they had adult supervision.https://twitter.com/amconmag/status/974797462157316097   Permalink 5:33 PM – 16 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Here is an example of the Monsanto army.https://twitter.com/normonics/status/974737398277005313   Permalink 1:55 PM – 16 Mar 2018

@nntaleb I am aware of that, which is why I have been waiting before exposing Monsanto shills such as @keithkloor and @tamarhaspel when they are defenseless after the Bayer integration. Permalink 1:51 PM – 16 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 3) So far I’ve made lemonade out of lemons with my problem with Monsanto. The idea is to use their shills to sell more books. Remember it is typically rejects that become smear campaigners for Monsanto .http://gmwatch.org/en/news/latest-news/16581   Permalink 1:07 PM – 16 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 2) Monsanto has a policy of leaving nothing unanswered. There are stuff in the court papers.https://www.rt.com/usa/386858-monsanto-hired-trolls-court/   Permalink 1:00 PM – 16 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 1) As expected, looks like Monsanto Shills are retaliating against my stance ag Monsanto in #SkinIntheGame by gaming Amazon Reviews while claiming they are not shills. https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R2S10CFLW3AP3Y/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=042528462X   Permalink 12:57 PM – 16 Mar 2018

@nntaleb After the Pompeo disaster, is there a possible way to stop Bolton from getting the White House position? Permalink 12:43 PM – 16 Mar 2018

@vonLichtenfeld At jump school, the guys who folded our parachutes had to take one of them at random each week and use it for their own jump. Given +50 jumps was improbable based on physical req.s, this is the definition of SitG Permalink 12:18 PM – 16 Mar 2018

@MattPirkowski Couldn’t script a clearer example of @nntaleb’s concept of Skin in the Game. In fact, he’s mentioned the architectural responsibility codes of Hammurabi many times. This would mean death for the architects in question. Fewer bridges would collapse.https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/974644470674112512   Permalink 10:41 AM – 16 Mar 2018

@nntaleb It was obvious Assad had NO GAIN from using gas. Now they are getting it with SOME delay.http://www.newsweek.com/now-mattis-admits-there-was-no-evidence-assad-using-poison-gas-his-people-801542   Permalink 5:53 AM – 16 Mar 2018

@nntaleb The risk-based skeptical empirical approach to CLIMATE is here. pic.twitter.com/RupOpb3BUY Permalink 5:32 AM – 16 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Indeed, @clairlemon, you are undoing centuries of skeptical empiricism. One can approach our climate tragedy without SCIENTISM See our http://www.fooledbyrandomness.com/climateletter.pdf  https://twitter.com/crISIS_mule/status/974617925549199360   Permalink 5:13 AM – 16 Mar 2018

@skiales He @nntaleb either has impecable timing ..! Or is a tails type of a guy..! Bring the engineers at spot where the dead bodies got collapsed by the bridge & well … #hamurabi the SOB’s RITE WHERE THEY committed the. heinous sin of a #skinlessgame #skininthegamehttps://twitter.com/moniqueomadan/status/974478688346693632   Permalink 3:34 AM – 16 Mar 2018

@RonPaul ‘Skin In The Game’ – With Special Guest Nassim Nicholas Taleb (@nntaleb)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIi0eO_oN9U   Permalink 3:00 PM – 15 Mar 2018

@Sapere_vivere Reading the brilliant Skin In The Game by @nntaleb. Four little words that should be in the forefront of your mind when you think about human existence. Permalink 2:49 PM – 15 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 6) Mr @ImaraWaTijara, let me say it in one sentence” One single DNA test offsets 12 hours of b***ting. Gabish? Permalink 2:32 PM – 15 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 5) We have known since Ruffié and Taleb (1965) [my father’s hobby was scientific genealogy via blood markers] that Koura valley was heavily Macedonian/Western Cypriot & we can see it through DNA. Historians are convinved they can contest paternity tests with tons of verbal BS Permalink 12:05 PM – 15 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 4) As an example of how fabrications work: a Low-IQ Arabist below, @ImaraWaTijara is responding by inventing origins FOR ME and the Greek-Orthodox of the Koura Valley using bogus oral history, when DNA shows no Hawran stock in Koura & in MY OWN DNA (J2b).https://twitter.com/ImaraWaTijara/status/974295061683941377   Permalink 11:59 AM – 15 Mar 2018

@TMFStoffel While doing some research into our piece, I found this gem from @nntaleb in the @nytimes Note that it was written…… in 2003! http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/07/business/fannie-mae-s-loss-risk-is-larger-computer-models-show.html   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/PC1mPY7jP6″>  pic.twitter.com/PC1mPY7jP6 Permalink 11:38 AM – 15 Mar 2018

@TMFStoffel Here’s one for all of us to chew on from @nntaleb: “every time you open your mouth in a public forum and you say something: * that is not risky or * is meant to improve your image and reputation, every time you do that you are COMPROMISING YOUR ETHICS.” Permalink 10:47 AM – 15 Mar 2018

@nntaleb You can’t be an author without attitude; write on your own terms.https://twitter.com/johndurant/status/974167721045671936   Permalink 9:55 AM – 15 Mar 2018

@RonPaul Grab your seat belts! Today’s Liberty Report is joined by @nntaleb to discuss @nytimes bestselling book #skininthegame — and the “interventionists” braying for war! Live @ noon ET on http://youtube.com/ronpaullibertyreport   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/Wdx0mKmVkt”>  pic.twitter.com/Wdx0mKmVkt Permalink 8:20 AM – 15 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 3) The other interesting “hard science” discovery is that a) Modern Greeks are the same as ancient Greeks, b) Greeks are largely Anatolian, c) Canaanites are largely Anatolian. Minority rule chapter in #skininthegame : languages travel, genes not so much. Permalink 6:52 AM – 15 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Never argue with someone with the aim of changing his or her mind; focus instead on changing the much less invested minds of the audience. Permalink 6:47 AM – 15 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 2) @PZalloua (Reich collab) showed Leb Shiites were of Phoenician ancestry, caused a shock, but now slowing building a Canaanite identity. I found from his databse that there is ~3% Arab genes in Lebanon & West. Syria. Arabist Historians s.a. Salibi are largely fabricators. Permalink 6:02 AM – 15 Mar 2018

@nntaleb A Lebanese proverb: “If you give a fool a weapon, he will hurt himself”.https://twitter.com/zerohedge/status/974255026020519936   Permalink 5:13 AM – 15 Mar 2018

@nntaleb THREAD 1) We are facing a complete and *sudden* rewriting of history using DNA, like paternity tests, disturbs linguists, historians, (recall the Mary Beard affair), archeologists, and Arabists.https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/03/ancient-dna-history/554798/?utm_source=twb   Permalink 4:40 AM – 15 Mar 2018

@jordanbpeterson Did you notice, @JustinTrudeau, that a law-abiding Canadian citizen has been DENIED ENTRY by the UK? Do you think she’s more dangerous than the former ISIS fighters you rolled out the welcome mat for in Canada?https://youtu.be/odGiYJdFtE0   Permalink 11:07 PM – 14 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Happy Pi day –and, in the bargain, via Euler’s Identity. “The shortest path between two truths in the real domain passes through the complex domain.” ~ Jacques Hadamardhttps://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/974019574088830976   Permalink 5:32 PM – 14 Mar 2018

@EmPee78 @nntaleb thank you for writing books that are meaningful pic.twitter.com/tSmzT7eOnp Permalink 3:01 PM – 14 Mar 2018

@RonPaul We are REALLY looking forward to having @nytimes multiple-time bestselling author @nntaleb joining us tomorrow Thursday live on the Liberty Report @noon ET on http://Youtube.com/RonPaulLibertyReport   Be there!!!https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/974029403482189824   Permalink 2:11 PM – 14 Mar 2018

@nntaleb I will be discussing the point and inveighing against these depraved interventionistas w/o #skininthegame with @RonPaul and @DanielLMcAdams on Ron Paul’s channel tomorrow at noon. @RonPaulInstituthttps://twitter.com/RandPaul/status/973955597728088067   Permalink 2:08 PM – 14 Mar 2018

@HarryDCrane Data != information Data = information only if you understand it. Collecting more of something you don’t understand only leads to more confusion. Permalink 12:31 PM – 14 Mar 2018

@CutTheKnotMath A Trigonometric Identity for the Pi Day https://www.cut-the-knot.org/triangle/TrigonometricIdentityForAPiDay.shtml   #FigureThat #math #geometry #algebra ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/1VvPF4rtZk”>  pic.twitter.com/1VvPF4rtZk Permalink 11:30 AM – 14 Mar 2018

@JulianAssange My article on new US Secretary of State nominee Mike Pompeohttps://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/julian-assange-the-cia-director-is-waging-war-on-truth-tellers-like-wikileaks/2017/04/25/b8aa5cfc-29c7-11e7-a616-d7c8a68c1a66_story.html?utm_term=.d32c33ee90fd   Permalink 10:09 AM – 14 Mar 2018

@rjboyle Someone anonymously gifted me a copy of latest book from @nntaleb. Thanks to whomever it may be! pic.twitter.com/UreVQHFIz1 Permalink 9:36 AM – 14 Mar 2018

@nntaleb https://medium.com/east-med-project-history-philology-and-genetics/when-did-lebanese-christians-start-speaking-french-771603969932   Permalink 7:23 AM – 14 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Those in “Colonialism” a la Ed. Said/Arabism studies are Fabricators. The French spent 22 years in Lebanon as military mandate (Italo-French was Christians’ education) The Ottomans spent ~501y The Mamluks spent ~220 y The Arabs spent ~250-350 y WTF is this Euro “colonialism”? Permalink 6:03 AM – 14 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Achrafieh, Taleb Family 1923-1972 pic.twitter.com/Cbx4oqPesh Permalink 5:49 AM – 14 Mar 2018

@nntaleb MACHINE LEARNING & FORECASTING Announcement: the M4 competition (Makridakis) is open. We will finally figure out how the various machine learning methods fare with time series, without the currently prevailing cherry-picking. https://www.m4.unic.ac.cy   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/yjo9MJ987m”>  pic.twitter.com/yjo9MJ987m Permalink 4:09 AM – 14 Mar 2018

@WeAreLebanon Fascinating buildings in #Beirut By @elmaalouf #WeAreLebanon pic.twitter.com/9cRyEYKdGS Permalink 4:02 AM – 14 Mar 2018

@Confusezeus “Foregone Conclusionism” explained – deserves a hashtag: spot the #foregoneconclusionismhttps://twitter.com/neontaster/status/973630518246957056   Permalink 4:37 PM – 13 Mar 2018

@DShaywitz Also from @nntaleb Antifragile: skeptical about Baconian model academia -> applied science&tech ->practice; favors tinkering model, see below (includes contrast w/his take on model 1). cc @JamesBessen pic.twitter.com/uccpgz6MxL Permalink 10:28 AM – 13 Mar 2018

@normonics 2 things about Pompeo evidenced by DARK act I very much DO NOT like 1) D act was about denying states the ability to determine their own law. centralizer. what is the point of electing a republican if a centralizer?might as well be a dem. 2) D act was a favor to MON-corporatist Permalink 9:14 AM – 13 Mar 2018

@nntaleb This is a disaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaster.https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/973540316656623616   Permalink 6:32 AM – 13 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Decorators are not users. #skininthegamehttps://twitter.com/StephenFleming/status/973401515934195712   Permalink 6:23 AM – 13 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Our Page on GMOs http://www.fooledbyrandomness.com/PrecautionaryPrinciple.html   Permalink 4:34 AM – 13 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Monsanto’s fraudulent claims. Show me papers on tail risks of GMOs. Show me.https://twitter.com/Preschel/status/973508207208431616   Permalink 4:17 AM – 13 Mar 2018

@TMFStoffel Love this. @RalphNader ‘s host: “@nntaleb sounds a little…Republican.” @RalphNader: “You CANNOT pigeonhole him!!” Permalink 6:04 PM – 12 Mar 2018

Interviews with Russ Roberts @ EconTalk and Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Nassim Nicholas Taleb on Rationality, Risk, and Skin in the Game
EconTalk Episode with Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Hosted by Russ Roberts

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of Skin in the Game, talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the ideas in the book. This is the third episode of EconTalk with Taleb related to the general topic of skin in the game and how it affects decision-making and policy in an uncertain world. This episode focuses on rationality, religion, and the challenge of thinking about probability and risk correctly in a dynamic world.


Ralph Nader Radio Hour – Skin in the Game


Fat Tony, Revenge, #Soulinthegame, Saudi Barbaria, Virtue, Yo Pinker, Aramaic | Twitter


@nntaleb The definition of a home: you are happy when you leave and you are also happy when you return. Permalink 2:57 PM – 12 Mar 2018

@nntaleb He has a surprise at the end! #Skininthegamehttps://twitter.com/philipdevroe/status/973306516521541634   Permalink 2:43 PM – 12 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Yet they let into the UK the Clown Prince of Saudi Barbaria.https://twitter.com/caphoratius/status/973285051050921985   Permalink 2:29 PM – 12 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Friends, the NYT visibly reads this and CARES about SoschialMeedya as they CHANGED the book description in response to my online criticism… (Thet don’t like to be called idiots). pic.twitter.com/xcFuMVGA7X Permalink 12:44 PM – 12 Mar 2018

@RalphNader Ralph interviews Nassim Nicholas Taleb (@nntaleb) about his new book, ‘Skin in the Game,” about the role risk and reward plays not only in politics, but also our daily lives https://ralphnaderradiohour.com/skin-in-the-game/   Permalink 10:18 AM – 12 Mar 2018

@DrCirillo Another preview of the forthcoming work with @nntaleb. Take the number of conflicts in 1800-2000 with 500k+ casualties, using actual (rescaled by coeval population) data. 1800-1850: 5 (14) 1851-1900: 8 (20) 1901-1950: 14 (25) 1951-2000: 16 (20) Increase, decrease, the same? Test? Permalink 9:01 AM – 12 Mar 2018

@schotz Had someone come up to me and ask if I was Nassim Taleb. Found him on twitter (@nntaleb). Definitely my twitter Doppelganger. And he’s a stats guy! Permalink 7:05 AM – 12 Mar 2018

@nntaleb I will be presenting: 1) https://arxiv.org/pdf/1802.05495.pdf   2) Something from the Fat tails project w/@DrCirillohttps://twitter.com/NECSI/status/973195835201740800   Permalink 7:01 AM – 12 Mar 2018

@ggreenwald There is now reportedly “doubt” about whether Mohammad bin Salman, in attacking other Saudi royals, was genuinely motivated by “a transparent, legal anti-corruption effort.” Did anyone other than Tom Friedman & David Ignatius not doubt this? pic.twitter.com/SdsPwQRduM Permalink 5:08 AM – 12 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 3) Doggedly determined revenge, particularly when delayed (and unexpected), is not a tit-for-tat to prevent repetition; it is to show others what to expect. Mediterraneans like revenge to be “a dish you try to only eat when cold”. Permalink 1:03 PM – 11 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Now @realDonaldTrump why are you ignoring very valuable and realistic economic advice from @JustinWolfers who makes a living from … charitable contributions? #Skininthegamehttps://twitter.com/JustinWolfers/status/972885021118947330   Permalink 12:40 PM – 11 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Sorry, correction for typo: “long after he has forgotten about it” shoud be “long after he fuhgodaboudit” Permalink 10:32 AM – 11 Mar 2018

@nntaleb “Start by being warm, pleasant, & generous w/every person you meet; but if someone tries to exercise power over you, exercise power over him; & if he messes w/you, remember to keep messing w/him long after he has forgotten about it”. Silver Rule of Fat Tony in #SkinInTheGame Permalink 10:30 AM – 11 Mar 2018

@danielnyari the contention about campus free speech activism was always about the minority mob, not whether it’s widespread. straw-man. The question is whether the minority rule matters in influencing the majority. I think @nntaleb has answered that quite eloquently.https://medium.com/incerto/the-most-intolerant-wins-the-dictatorship-of-the-small-minority-3f1f83ce4e15   Permalink 8:57 AM – 11 Mar 2018

@jw_excel Graduate confirms @nntaleb’s view of business degrees by suing her university for £60,000 over her ‘Mickey Mouse’ degree in international business strategy.http://dailym.ai/2tE7DV2   Permalink 5:58 AM – 11 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 1) THREAD I am reading B****t Jobs by @davidgraeber. Effectively if you have the soul of an artisan (cabinet maker), working as paper shuffler will make you miserable. Note that 10% of Americans are self employed, numbers dropping w/modernity. #Soulinthegame = artisan. Permalink 5:54 AM – 11 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Imbecile, 1) how do you know it is “ripping the book apart” if you read the review NOT the book? 2) Replace “war” with “violence” as this is the context. 3) Pleaaaaaaaase do NOT read my book as you are not fit to read books. Permalink 4:54 AM – 11 Mar 2018

@GKeferstein I am a doctor. Same in field of medicine. Currently it’s 30% practice and 70% academia. Should be 80% practice and 20% academia. Medicine is a craft. Education should be treated as such. There should be doctors and medical scientist. Different fields. Different paths. Permalink 4:28 PM – 10 Mar 2018

@zeinshami11 @nntaleb They’ve been reading antifragile in Europehttps://twitter.com/voxdotcom/status/972619359834210305   Permalink 3:57 PM – 10 Mar 2018

@nntaleb How Permalink 3:00 PM – 10 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Imagine that someone else than @realDonaldTrump were elected & did EXACTLY the same things he did —except that the statements & tweets were speechwritten by Obama. What would have MSM reacted? #Skininthegame = observe actions not tawk Permalink 2:58 PM – 10 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Why is it that academics and people who tawk and never do have trouble with the notion of #Skininthegame? They mistake incentives for … evolution. https://twitter.com/decision_spark/status/954021123850633216   All: @CFCamerer, @PTetlock, @R_Thaler @decision_spark klueeeeless. Permalink 10:48 AM – 10 Mar 2018

@nntaleb This propaganda from Saudi Barbaria won’t work. We have BRONZE AGE genes, current genes and no match in DNA to this BS. @PZallouahttps://twitter.com/Abunass3r/status/972481465807142918   Permalink 8:56 AM – 10 Mar 2018

@nntaleb @shahanSean Permalink 8:39 AM – 10 Mar 2018

@nntaleb We know from DNA that this map of “Arab tribes” is a fabrication. Complete fabrication.https://twitter.com/abdm7771/status/972468717153120258   Permalink 8:38 AM – 10 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Maybe the @FT’s @johngapper should have done his homework and spoken to judges (I did). Or read comments on judges on the book. Or perhaps just read the book.https://twitter.com/hwtnnn/status/972507365407936513   Permalink 8:23 AM – 10 Mar 2018

@SJosephBurns “Traders, when they make profits, have short communications; when they lose they drown you in details, theories, and charts.” – @nntaleb Permalink 8:20 AM – 10 Mar 2018

@nntaleb “The Skin in the Game Derangement Syndrome” (RENAMED)https://medium.com/incerto/the-controversy-around-skin-in-the-game-6d46416ee47f   Permalink 7:07 AM – 10 Mar 2018

@nntaleb The New Testament was written in what Nietzsche calls the “bad Greek” of Syria, in Antioch Permalink 4:01 AM – 10 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Christianity was born in Syria. Remember.https://twitter.com/EHSANI22/status/972250427277398017   Permalink 3:36 AM – 10 Mar 2018

@financequant Another example that dealing with fat tails requires a different set of tools than those taught in “standard” probability and statistics. Many decisions, particularly in governments and in quasi-government NGOs, are based on deeply flawed interpretations of the data.https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/972089907991711746   Permalink 2:53 PM – 9 Mar 2018

@nntaleb https://share.podclipper.com/econtalk-nassim-nicholas-taleb-on-rationality-risk-and-skin-in-the-game.html?start_ms=610820&end_ms=732610   Permalink 12:00 PM – 9 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Who is this Boss, @desertnaut?https://twitter.com/desertnaut/status/972168770012827648   Permalink 10:06 AM – 9 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Mr Giligan, @tomgilligan, director of @HooverInst can you confirm whether you support scientific fraud/misconduct by your fellow Henry I. Miller @henryImiller? (see thread) Permalink 8:50 AM – 9 Mar 2018

@haghadi “The curse of modernity is that we are increasingly populated by a class of people who are better at explaining than understanding.” ~ @nntaleb #skininthegame Permalink 6:34 AM – 9 Mar 2018

@nntaleb These women took risk. Virtue resides in risk taking, not in signaling/tawking. #skininthegamehttps://twitter.com/Elif_Safak/status/972090717853057024   Permalink 4:50 AM – 9 Mar 2018

@nntaleb The Fat Tails Estimators Project has been very active. w/@DrCirillo pic.twitter.com/TMpcq6pCLw Permalink 4:41 AM – 9 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Interestingly, the word “frata” in Lebanese comes from the Phoenician root, as p’rot = break into small change. It is a mystery how Jastrow knew so much about Phoenician. Permalink 5:55 PM – 8 Mar 2018

@nntaleb My dream is for @realDonaldTrump to stop in Teheran on the way back, just to save on fuel.https://twitter.com/DRUDGE_REPORT/status/971921200644435969   Permalink 5:38 PM – 8 Mar 2018

@nntaleb The first round we showed that @sapinker had NO evidence to make his claims (like saying: this moved by 1/20th of a standard deviation, let’s write a book!) The second time we may hint that the opposite of what he is saying is true. cc:@BillGates Permalink 4:53 PM – 8 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Yo Pinker, @sapinker, get prepared for a second round. Cc:@BillGateshttps://twitter.com/drcirillo/status/971886554632384512   Permalink 3:35 PM – 8 Mar 2018

@EconTalker From this week’s EconTalk: Listen to @nntaleb explain why skin in the game is not about incentives for him, but filtering:https://share.podclipper.com/econtalk-nassim-nicholas-taleb-on-rationality-risk-and-skin-in-the-game.html?start_ms=2988600&end_ms=3085360   Permalink 3:33 PM – 8 Mar 2018

@nntaleb The problem is that even Hebrew philologists think תעריף comes from Arabic (it is tariff in Heb.), mistaking the root 3RF (knowledge) for the Phoenician (YRF) “sharing a piece of the merchandise”. cc:@KarlreMarks pic.twitter.com/ZwdkYNcNDx Permalink 2:21 PM – 8 Mar 2018

@nntaleb The origin is actually a Phoenician Mercantile term. The Arabs shamelessly claim other people’s discoveries as their own; abetted by the erudition-free IQ-free Arabists. Bravo @GeorgeJNasr for getting it. pic.twitter.com/MlpFJBuWcp Permalink 2:07 PM – 8 Mar 2018

@CutTheKnotMath I love Markov chains. Simple and unifying Permalink 1:48 PM – 8 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Was fixed. Permalink 10:58 AM – 8 Mar 2018

@georgeeaton Nassim Nicholas Taleb: “Unless warmongers are more exposed to dying than others it’s the equivalent of reckless drivers being isolated from the risks of reckless driving.”https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/observations/2018/03/i-hope-goldman-sachs-bankruptcy-nassim-nicholas-taleb-skin-game   Permalink 9:48 AM – 8 Mar 2018

@turlevnon Leš meš l’leğa l’lebnéniyé leğa rasmiyé l’lebnén? #SûalJarî. pic.twitter.com/zHJ1L4zGD9 Permalink 9:21 AM – 8 Mar 2018

@nntaleb This is my point of discussion with @bryan_caplan Hobbysists -> Technology -> Science not reverse arrow.https://twitter.com/SpencerBaum1/status/971795952280350721   Permalink 9:15 AM – 8 Mar 2018

@nntaleb GPA is a test that flunks reality. Wittgenstein’s ruler: you use the ruler to measure the table; can also use the table to measure the ruler. When results are far from the measurement, it is the measurement that’s wrong. GPA may work w/salarypeople, academics & other captives.https://twitter.com/ericozkan1/status/970370465129730048   Permalink 8:51 AM – 8 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Delenda Goldman Sachshttps://twitter.com/zerohedge/status/971595132536606721   Permalink 7:56 AM – 8 Mar 2018

@CutTheKnotMath Probability of No Two-Tail Runs https://www.cut-the-knot.org/Probability/NoRunningTails.shtml   #FigureThat #math #probability ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/sTgMrKUahW”>  pic.twitter.com/sTgMrKUahW Permalink 7:02 AM – 8 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Mistake: max deadlift was ~400 not 330. Permalink 4:01 AM – 8 Mar 2018

@nntaleb “I hope for Goldman Sachs’ bankruptcy”: Nassim Nicholas Taleb on Skin in the Gamehttps://www.newstatesman.com/culture/observations/2018/03/i-hope-goldman-sachs-bankruptcy-nassim-nicholas-taleb-skin-game   Permalink 3:50 AM – 8 Mar 2018

@nntaleb As usual, the origin is Aramaic. Cc:@KarlreMarkshttps://twitter.com/karlremarks/status/971416075060596736   Permalink 6:07 PM – 7 Mar 2018

@nntaleb THE END OF THE MEDIA So Skin in the Game made the NYT Bestseller’s List without a single US book review, with a single book lecktchur in NY. All thanks to my twitter friends (and enemies). Characteristically, these NYT idiots still managed to mis-describe the book. pic.twitter.com/sPqPPVmazD Permalink 2:24 PM – 7 Mar 2018

@DrCirillo It is extremely fascinating: you can increase or decrease the time span, and the distribution stays the same. Permalink 12:38 PM – 7 Mar 2018

@DrCirillo Now, focusing on 20th century, using a more complete data set we are working on, we observe the same distribution, in a purely fractal pattern. Apparently no finite mean, extreme fat-tailedness. The long peace?! Really? pic.twitter.com/Ksc6QE5wyu Permalink 12:26 PM – 7 Mar 2018

@CutTheKnotMath Probability of crossing a bridge https://www.cut-the-knot.org/Probability/CrossingBridge.shtml   #FigureThat #math #probability ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/KxKifPtc7W”>  pic.twitter.com/KxKifPtc7W Permalink 8:08 AM – 7 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Correkshion: It was not @davidpapineau but another philosopher. All these philosophers have weird foreign names! Permalink 7:05 AM – 7 Mar 2018

@nntaleb There is this BS in this “disagreebleness” scale used by psychologists, unconditional of domain. Like most psych categorizations, BS. Many are socially gentle but intellectually rigorous & no-nonsense: others nasty in person but appear gentle in public . BS! cc:@KlingBlog Permalink 5:47 AM – 7 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Does “PHILOSOPHY” have a problem? The Massimo Pigliuci (“Klueless Massimo”) problem: dissertation from twitter comments, even “philosopher” @davidpapineau comments without knowing what the subject is about.https://medium.com/opacity/comment-on-klueless-massimo-s-comments-massimo-pigliucci-of-the-mary-beard-twitter-debate-4c99a36de40   Permalink 4:39 AM – 7 Mar 2018

@GhassanDahhan And it has cost a lot of Yemeni lives.https://twitter.com/Jerusalem_Post/status/971362089531932672   Permalink 4:38 AM – 7 Mar 2018

@financequant “I am, at the Fed level, libertarian; at the state level, Republican; at the local level, Democrat; and at the family and friends level, a socialist.”–Geoff and Vince Graham (quoted by @nntaleb, Skin in the Game) Permalink 8:10 PM – 6 Mar 2018

@GeertNoels The lack of good governance of the Trump Administration gets more attention in the EU media than the lack of good governance of the EU. The #Selmayr case should get a lot more attention and disapproval.http://www.liberation.fr/planete/2018/03/04/martin-selmayr-braque-la-commission-europeenne_1633807   Permalink 10:42 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@yaneerbaryam Here is a list of false claims about GMOs pic.twitter.com/cKIfJh58Gb Permalink 8:17 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@normonics pic.twitter.com/Tx5M1koP0M Permalink 7:57 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@thinkingnuggets Part Two – The Biggest Takeaways from Nassim Taleb’s (@nntaleb) Book “Skin In The Game”http://www.nuggetsofthought.com/2018/03/06/biggest-takeaways-from-nassim-talebs-book-skin-in-the-game-part-two/   Permalink 7:49 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@yaneerbaryam Here is one illustration of the difference between breeding and transgenics (GMOs) pic.twitter.com/k9m0uht0lz Permalink 7:44 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 5) I am also FED UP seeing an ad for Pinker’s book pop up on @amazon every time I am buying stuff. pic.twitter.com/BQHKai8mRc Permalink 7:42 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@nntaleb The @guardian retracted on an Op-Ed style article explaining my own side of Skin in the Game after seeing the below. (Republished on Medium) Unethical journalism doesn’t work in the age of social media.https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/970677174213791746   Permalink 6:52 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Donaldo, @realDonaldTrump, what are you doooooooooooooing?https://twitter.com/thehill/status/970997689910480896   Permalink 6:27 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 4) Note the same typical @sapinker conflations: a) 2 classes of AI (busted by @elonmusk ) b) 2 classes of probability (thin tails and fat tails) c) 2 classes of breeding (slow vs transgenic): jumping from the 34th floor window not the same risk class as taking the stairs. etc. Permalink 5:54 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 3) Our precautionary principle. http://www.fooledbyrandomness.com/PrecautionaryPrinciple.html   Note the recent trumpeted GMO meta-analysis of 6000 papers had only… 50 per study, and NO tail risk. Note that none of the “Nobels” were into tail risk. Includes literature etc. Permalink 5:29 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@GuruAnaerobic My friend attended the #RWRI seminar in Feb – just for the last day (he had been at a 3-day med conf in Barcelona). He’s been involved in the Stent industry for over ten yrs. Just one day blew apart the statistical concepts he’d learnt in the medical field.https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/971004358539333633   Permalink 5:20 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 2) Replace Pinker’s book w/ 75 informative graphs by @MaxCRoser who should publish book without words. Preferably in color. But remember that data gathering is not data *science*. Permalink 5:17 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@nntaleb 1) Was not aiming to read @sapinker’s book, saw this on GMOs: he is as klueless about komplexity & nonlinearity as he is about elementary statistical significance. The text is full of BS (to him science=scientism), it doesn’t match the pics. pic.twitter.com/hR9yjHQTih Permalink 5:17 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@nntaleb My argument about convexity is here: https://www.edge.org/conversation/nassim_nicholas_taleb-understanding-is-a-poor-substitute-for-convexity-antifragility   Permalink 4:50 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@nntaleb We are doing RWRI 8 on May 28 (5 days) in NYC http://www.realworldrisk.com   Scholarships are open. (And please don’t offer to improve the website. It is what it is.) Permalink 4:47 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Excellent argument by Bryan Caplan @bryan_caplan, but missed something central: convexity of trial-and-error & heuristic learning. I sort of wrote Antifragile using Kealy’s argument & transcending it. Would love a diskushshun/debate @tylercowen.https://www.amazon.com/dp/0691174652/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_SMONAb5ET7ASM   Permalink 4:34 AM – 6 Mar 2018

@goorha Just read @nntaleb in his new book #skininthegame. It’s the only book I have read while clapping, laughing and nodding all at the same time. Permalink 4:28 PM – 5 Mar 2018

@MrPeterEsho NNT is back @nntalebhttps://twitter.com/mpawlo/status/970337104076079106   Permalink 2:01 PM – 5 Mar 2018

@nntaleb Isocrates’ Rule of Symmetry: Treat other Nations the Way you Want to be Treated! #SkinintheGamehttps://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-04/us-meddling-foreign-elections-cia-tradition-1948   Permalink 1:17 PM – 5 Mar 2018

@nntaleb The “good” journalist marker: someone who goes against the grain, goes against lobbies: Gary Taubes @garytaubes, Laura Rosen, @dannyhakim … and is ostracized by others for it. Some are heroes. Permalink 12:24 PM – 5 Mar 2018

@TheStalwart Since I believe in having #SkinInTheGame, I decided to confront @nntaleb, rather than just get into a dispute behind keyboards pic.twitter.com/NGhKfYo2Ev Permalink 10:37 AM – 5 Mar 2018

@nntaleb I get every day the confirmation that the only people who don’t despise journalists are journalists and (some of) their mothers. Permalink 10:06 AM – 5 Mar 2018

@FriedrichHayek This conversation between @nntaleb and @EconTalker may be the best Econtalk ever — Taleb and Russ flesh out important themes first introduced by Armen Alchian, inspired in part by Hayek https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncertainty,_Evolution,_and_Economic_Theory  https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/econtalk/id135066958?mt=2#episodeGuid=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.libertyfund.org%2Fecontalk%2Fy2018%2FTalebrationality.mp3   Permalink 7:09 AM – 5 Mar 2018

@nntaleb I got tonnnnnnns of messages from authors thanking me for making journos accountable for their book reviews. In other words, putting back some symmetry with their #SkinInTheGamehttps://medium.com/incerto/the-controversy-around-skin-in-the-game-6d46416ee47f   Permalink 7:07 AM – 5 Mar 2018

@jeetsidhu_ “Skin in the Game” really hitting home right now! @nntaleb pic.twitter.com/rwsigzJb5p Permalink 6:30 AM – 5 Mar 2018

@CutTheKnotMath Two Coins: One Fair, one Biased https://www.cut-the-knot.org/Probability/TwoCoins.shtml   #FigureThat #math #probability ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/HHhnyGjhkq”>  pic.twitter.com/HHhnyGjhkq Permalink 5:09 AM – 5 Mar 2018

@nntaleb I just published “What do I mean by Skin in the Game? My Own Version”https://medium.com/incerto/what-do-i-mean-by-skin-in-the-game-my-own-version-cc858dc73260   Permalink 5:06 AM – 5 Mar 2018

@ericozkan1 @nntaleb pic.twitter.com/wKcCjOtgvc Permalink 4:29 AM – 5 Mar 2018

@georgeeaton Corbyn has “skin in the game”. How Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s new book helps explain his appeal. https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/uk/2018/03/meaning-corbynism   ” target=”_blank”>http://pic.twitter.com/iNZ7FDfEn5″>  pic.twitter.com/iNZ7FDfEn5 Permalink 4:14 AM – 5 Mar 2018

What do I mean by Skin in the Game? My Own Version | Medium

When selecting a surgeon for your next brain procedure, should you pick a surgeon who looks like a butcher or one who looks like a surgeon? The logic of skin in the game implies you need to select the one who (while credentialed) looks the least like what you would expect from a surgeon, or, rather, the Hollywood version of a surgeon.

What do I mean by Skin in the Game? My Own Version at Medium