Category Archives: Event

Kilkenomics Festival – Ireland Saturday Nov 7 2015
Date: Saturday, November 7, 2015
Time: 19:45 – 21:00 pm
Venue: St. Canice’s Cathedral
Cost: €20 / Concessions €17

A massive coup for Kilkenomics, we’re delighted to present the very brilliant Nassim Taleb in the unique setting of Kilkenny’s 13th Century cathedral. If you have read Nassim’s work, you’ll know what we are talking about. If not, prepare to be dazzled.

Автор теории «черного лебедя» назвал причины для инвестиций в Россию Подробнее на РБК |

(Google translated)

The author of the theory of “black swan” named reasons for investment in Russia
Alexander Krasnov
Russia has the ability to “go through hell and survived,” and this makes it less fragile than other countries, said American economist Nassim Taleb in a lecture at the Moscow School of Management “Skolkovo”
Economist Nassim Taleb

Photo: Yekaterina Kuzmina / RBC
Russia is the best country for investment than Saudi Arabia, he said Saturday economist Nassim Taleb lectures “Swan Lake”, organized by the Moscow School of Management “Skolkovo”. “Saudi Arabia has never been in hell. We do not know whether we can survive the crisis. But if we take the countries of the former Soviet bloc, they have been through hell. They do not fall apart if face hell again. That’s why I prefer to invest in Russia, not in Saudi Arabia. Russia has the ability to pass through hell and survive, “- said Taleb.

Hazyvat specific targets for investment in Russia did not become an economist. “In all my books I write, that if you do not want to hurt others with your advice, just tell me what you have in the portfolio. I do not give advice, “- said Taleb, answering the question of RBC.

A native of Lebanon Nassim Taleb – American economist and investor. More than 20 years Nassim Nicholas Taleb was a floor trader and specialized in options. He has worked in financial corporations such as Credit Suisse and BNP Paribas.

In 2006, Taleb took up the study of the theory of probability. Three of his books – “Black Swan,” “Fooled by Randomness” and “Antihrupkost” – became a bestseller.

Currently, Taleb is an honorary professor of risk analysis of the Polytechnic Institute of New York University.

Taleb invented the theory of “black swan” considers difficult to predict, and rare events. The essence of the theory is that the less complex systems subject to less risk. As an example, he cited the book and desktop computers – are still the first and the second driven out laptops and tablets. The same theory can be applied to countries, says an economist.


August 27, 2015

Bloomberg L.P.
731 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY

6:15pm Lightning Talks
A lightning talk is a very short presentation lasting only 5 minutes. Several ones will be delivered in a single session by different speakers in quick succession.
Emanuel Derman A scientific foundation for both CAPM and options valuation
Dhruv Madeka Malliavin Calculus made simple
Aditi Dandapani Modeling how information changes can cause financial bubbles
Edward Weinberger Probabilistic Accounting
Mohamed Ndaoud Constructing the Fractional Brownian Motion
Nassim Taleb Dimensionality and model error: a copula approach