Category Archives: Contributors

ANTIFRAGILE- Cutting the blood supply episodically lowers damage…

ANTIFRAGILE- Cutting the blood supply episodically lowers damage in the event of a subsequent heart attack. Interestingly this works even if the supply is cut from a part (say an arm) remote from the heart.

Another application of increase in variability (Jensen’s inequality).

(Thanks Dean Dobbert)

via ANTIFRAGILE- Cutting the blood supply… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Facebook.

The Inventory: Nassim Nicholas Taleb –

What ambitions do you still have?

To complete a multi-volume mathematical expression of the ideas of the more philosophical works, with rigorous derivations and proofs. Volume one is complete.

What drives you on?

I want to put my works under one title, Incerto, in 10 volumes – six philosophical and four mathematical – so people can grasp it all as a single piece.

What is the greatest achievement of your life so far?

I’ve learnt to never compromise.

What has been your greatest disappointment?

That I am unable to destroy the economics establishment, the press.

If your 20-year-old self could see you now, what would he think?

That I am not ashamed to be judged by my 20-year-old self. I swerved on occasion but ultimately stayed in line with what he wanted me to be.

via The Inventory: Nassim Nicholas Taleb –

My nightmare: This [EDITED] got the Black Swan idea in reverse (WSJ)

My nightmare: This [EDITED] got the Black Swan idea in reverse (WSJ):

(reposted after editing my first reaction… more polite but not really)

Spotting Black Swans with Data Science
Traditional analytic models can’t keep up with today’s unprecedented volume and variety of data. The emerging field of data science, closely intertwined with the explosion of Big Data, aims for a better understanding of dynamic, complex systems through in-depth analysis across multiple data sets, an…

via My nightmare: This [EDITED] got the… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Facebook.