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US Federal Reserve Betting –

Next US Federal Reserve Chair

Monday 26th August 2013, 12:00

Next US Federal Reserve Chair Hide
Singles only. Applies to the next permanently appointed chair of the US Federal Reserve. Must be confirmed by the White House. Others on request.
Larry Summers
Donald Kohn
Larry Meyer
Janet Yellen
Alan Blinder
Stanley Fischer
Roger Ferguson
Christina Romer
Jeffrey Sachs
Timothy Geithner
Alan Krueger
Nassim Nicholas Taleb


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Nassim Nicholas Taleb 1000/1  
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via US Federal Reserve Betting.

Black Swan economics | Financial Post

Economists are not always consistent in applying logic. We are all instructed in econometrics class that, when applying standard statistical techniques, you should reflect on whether the data have a normal distribution. For over a decade, it has been a crusade of Taleb’s that once you introduce skewness, which applies to almost all economic phenomenon, it is erroneous to assume the data have a normal distribution, on which the most common statistical techniques depend. This may be why econometrics has never been decisive in settling any economic question of consequence, according to Larry Summers, widely-touted as possibly the next head of the Federal Reserve Board.

One reason social scientists are so wedded to the normal distribution is it validates results drawn from small samples. A recent paper on the challenging topic of intergenerational mobility had only 13 sample points to support its main conclusion. But small samples likely don’t include the rare events that preoccupy much of Taleb’s thinking. By his standards, research based on small samples is little more than anecdotes; “Social scientists need to have a clear idea of the difference between science and journalism, or the one between empiricism and anecdotal statements. Science is not about making claims about a sample, but using a sample to make general claims and discuss properties that apply outside the sample.”

via Black Swan economics | Financial Post.

The dragon kings of Didier Sornette and the skill of predicting financial bubble bursts – Economic Times

Of Black Swans…

In 2001, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, quantitative trader and academician, published a book Fooled by Randomness where he outlined the theory of Black Swans. Taleb described black swans as events whose probability of occurrence was mathematically very low (like finding a black swan in a bevy of white swans). Taleb explained that these events occur with higher frequency than theory predicted, were hard to predict if not impossible to predict, and caused events of significant consequence and magnitude.

… and Dragon Kings

Sornette, on the other hand, makes an entirely contrary claim. Not only can he predict the probability of a bubble bursting, he can do it with remarkable accuracy and, of course, before the event! He calls these outlier events as Dragon Kings. He has graphs that show the predictions of the S&P 500 US Index, and oil prices made before the crash in 2007-08. These and others can be found on the website of his Financial Crisis Observatory.

via The dragon kings of Didier Sornette and the skill of predicting financial bubble bursts – Economic Times.


The Summers or Geithner nightmare: James Saft | Reuters

Maybe it is time for an outsider, and Paddypower has duly supplied one, putting iconoclast Nassim Nicholas Taleb as a 1000-1 shot in a field of a dozen potential candidates. Taleb, best known for the concept of the black swan, the big-impact, hard-to-predict outlier, is tough-minded, understands risk and, unlike most of the competition, wants bankers to truly have skin in the game.

via The Summers or Geithner nightmare: James Saft | Reuters.

Nassim Taleb’s Musings On Facebook – Business Insider

Taleb’s Facebook — which boasts 33,000+ followers — is truly a must-like for anyone interested in success, failure, Brooklyn, the modern condition, philosophy, the sordid state of journalism, or all of the above.

Here are Taleb’s 35 most important observations. Each is a quote.

The artificial gives us hangovers, the natural inverse-hangovers.

The only problem with the last laugh is that the winner has to laugh alone.

Intelligence without imagination: a deadly combination.

via Nassim Taleb’s Musings On Facebook – Business Insider.