Category Archives: Contributors

Rolezinho com Nassim Taleb – Mundo do dinheiro

Google Translate link:
Describe below a summary of the conversation:

– Taleb talked a lot about a subject he loves: heuristic – a simple command.

– Commented on Seneca – who was the richest man in the Roman Empire – but that was against the dependence of this wealth. Wanted to be prepared for the occurrence of a random event – which could make it poor. Being thus master of his fate (and not his victim).

– Asked about the ” Austrian school “, said the ideas were interesting.

– On “stop loss” / “stop gain” said he does not use in their trades.

– He considered that the concept of bitcoin (or electronic currencies) is very interesting because it takes control of currency issued by governments. But he said not knowing what the future of this market.

Original Brazilian Portuguese

Taleb veio ao Brasil para palestrar num evento fechado que está sendo promovido pelo banco de investimentos Credit Suisse First Boston, essa semana. Mas, o “Nietzsche de Wall Street” ou “Nietzsche moderno” – como foi apelidado – fez questão de encontrar com seus leitores, num esquema bem low profile. O local foi escolhido via Facebook, Café Suplicy do shopping Market Place. E lá fui eu, tomada por um entusiasmo que não cabia em mim…

via Rolezinho com Nassim Taleb – Mundo do dinheiro.
HatTip to Pradeep

Result of negotiations: the book tour for the US Antifragile paperback…

Result of negotiations: the book tour for the US Antifragile paperback will last 7 minutes! And in total <1hr including the trip to the CNBC studio.

Also, I am obligated to link to this on this page.

Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the bestselling author of The Black Swan and one of the foremost thinkers of our time, reveals how to thrive in an uncertain world. Just as human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension, and rumors or riots intensify when someone tries to repress them…

via Result of negotiations: the book tour for the US… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

We Need to Stop This Banker Bonus Madness –

Updated January 22, 2014, 2:19 PM

I admire the move by the European Union to restrict the bonuses of that class of privileged civil servants called “bankers” — a recognition that the taxpayers have the right to control the income of those they subsidize and bail out, just as they set the salaries of other state-sponsored workers.

Restricting the bonuses of bankers would be correctly recognizing that taxpayers have the right to control the income of those they subsidize and bail out.

Alas, bankers in their current status are an offense to capitalism; they are in a strange situation of having upside without downside, no skin in the game. As an additional insult to the taxpayer, bankers paid themselves the largest bonus pool of their history in 2010 — thanks to Troubled Asset Relief Program…

via We Need to Stop This Banker Bonus Madness –

BBC World Service – The Global Economy, Nassim Nicholas Taleb

This will be available to listen to (from the BBC) for a year.

by default 2014-01-15 at 3.42.20 PMDo you underestimate the risk you are under? Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s ideas on probability and risk challenge assumptions made by markets and mathematicians all of over the world. His ideas on our blindness to the impact of improbable events have lead him to be described as a ‘super hero of the mind’ and ‘the hottest thinker in the world’. He is the author of the mega-selling books on randomness and the impact of the improbable on life and on economics – Black Swan and Anti-Fragile. His official title is Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering at New York University and he continually ranks as one of the most influential people on the planet. He joins Justin Rowlatt and an audience at the Grand Amphitheatre of the Sorbonne in Paris for a special event, staged in partnership with Paris Dauphine University. Duration: 55 minutes First broadcast:  Saturday 11 January 2014

BBC World Service – Exchanges: The Global Economy, Exchanges: The Global Economy, Nassim Nicholas Taleb.