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Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets
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Taleb deleted my comments, calling them nonsensical. So, I posted a new comment, telling others that Taleb apparently didn’t favor free speech, when his words were questioned. I knew there was a risk he would delete my comment, and he did. He also blocked me from posting further comments, with these word:
“Removed comments (and commenters) that are either nitpicking & diverting from the main argument or lacking in both rigor & elegance.”
Nassim Taleb |
Photo by: Bloomberg |
Taleb’s mathematics are complicated, but his conclusions are not:
1. Small probabilities are incomputable, and the smaller they are, the harder they are to calculate.
2. Present models lead small probabilities to be underestimated.
3. These models cause the likelihood of horrible events with small probability to be even more underestimated.
4. Because of globalization and the fact that all markets and countries are interlinked, the economic cost of natural catastrophe rises in a nonlinear fashion.
5. If a person calculates the probability of a rare event and his life depends on that rare event not happening – for instance, a nuclear meltdown – he’s already underestimating the probability of that event.
I’ve received close to 600 requests for interviews on the “Black Swan” of Japan. Refused all (except a radio program, mostly because it only takes 5 min). I think for a living & write books not interviews. I wrote all I have to say in Note 142.