After 20 months, completed the math part of SILENT RISK…

After 20 months, completed the math part of SILENT RISK. Now moving into the verbal part on top of the rigorous math apparatus, a codification of terms, making what needs to be precise as precise as possible so inference can be clean. The superimposed verbal part should make ALL math concepts accessible to the logically aware person; this approach is closer to legal philosophy in style. Reading 13th century legal philosophers like Olivi gave me an epiphany: the most important subject in the history of mankind, RISK Applied Probability doesn’t even have as much as a sketch of definitions.I noticed that many papers, researchers, decision-makers conflate many things, especially academics recall the Pinker Problem, with results patently opposite to what they claim. The GMO debacle and the sloppiness of the discussions on Black Swan risks by “scientists” not only clueless about probability but not aware of their ignorance makes this project essential.

via Timeline Photos – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

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