Definitely not a ‘meltdown’ . Twitter absolutely the perfect place for NNT to call BS.
I received an advance copy of the book (Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder) as part of the Amazon Vine program and, sadly, did not care for it much. I left a review on Amazon and on my blog on Tuesday, October 30 that was, shall we say, less than glowing. While I don’t generally leave negative reviews—as a fellow author, it’s dicey territory for many reasons—Taleb specifically points out in Antifragile that negative reviews help, rather than hurt, sales.
Flashforward to Wednesday morning, when Taleb hurled a host of insults at me over Twitter, calling me “sadistic” for daring to insult his book. “The “PUBLIC shd know ON THE RECORD about your addmitted INCOMPETENCE and MEANNESS as you may hurt other weaker writers,” he wrote. I’m not going to rehash all the names he called me during his tirade (some called it a “meltdown”), but you can read his Twitter feed if you’re in the mood for some schadenfraude. I basically just laughed it all off.