I wonder if Near Eastern religion ever caught up to “doing good without rewards”, and if so, WHEN. So far, in Talmud Babili: Baba Kamma 92, “one who solicits mercy for his fellow while he himself is in need of the same thing, will be answered first.”
Incidentally that Aramaic is close to Amioun dialect but cannot find the original
Babylonian Talmud: Baba Kamma 92
Talmud Online, zipped for download, searchable: Tohoroth, Niddah, Nazir, Horayoth, Sanhedrin, Sotah, Yebamoth, Shabbath, Kethuboth, Gittin, Berakoth, Baba Mezi’a, Baba Kamma, Baba Bathra, Nedarim, Abodah Zara