Monthly Archives: May 2014

The Macrobullshit problem

158 The Macrobullshit problem, r=g, and why a degree in economics is very harmful analytically

I started my professional life as a foreign exchange option trader. Thirty years ago economists believed that “purchasing power parity” determined the “long term” currency rate between countries. And economists who became traders (plus traders stupid enough to listen to economists) kept blowing up by selling the “expensive” currency and buying the “cheap” one. And, if anything, the opposite held in reality: currencies that were expensive kept getting more expensive. So it became known that the fastest road to bankruptcy in foreign exchange was an economics degree. We would walk out of the trading floor anyone using the word “equilibrium”, and ban them from ever coming back. More analytically, saying “the long term” without attaching a period to it (six months, six years, six hundred years, etc.) is meaningless. The duration is more relevant than the idea that currencies “converge”.

In the Piketty case, the argument that the rate of growth and that of the return on capital need to be equal, that is r=g, “in the long term” is very similar. Except that in addition, Piketty mistook an equality of parameters for an equality of integrals and forgot to make them both stochastic, which would skew the return on capital by adding a small probability of ruin “Black Swan” style that would annihilate capital in the long run. r>g is a necessity most of the time, doesn’t mean r= E[r] outside crises. The other problem is that r and g depend on one another, and r drops when K is high.

Which bring me once again to silver rule (skin-in-the-game) problem and why ONE SHOULD NOT READ PRACTICAL STUFF ON ECONOMICS BY NONDECISIONMAKERS. Don’t be like the trader who is stupid enough to listen to economists. Every person who has skin in the game knows sort of what is bullshit and what is not, since our capacities to rationalize —and those of bureaucrats and economists —are way too narrow for the complexity of the world we face, with its complex interactions. And survival is a stamp of statistical validity, while rationalization and narratives are the road to the cemetery.

via Opacity.

SILVER RULE: (i.e. the negative Golden Rule…

From April 30, 2014

SILVER RULE: (i.e. the negative Golden Rule, i.e., broader skin in the game: Nobody should expose others to harm for which he is not himself directly or indirectly exposed).

It seems that people get only one part of the rule: the disincentive or deterrent. But that’s not what it is about: it is mainly a filter, which has been missed.

Bad drivers who tend to kill others by incompetence end up leaving the gene pool. Same with academics who trade and blow up: they become history. Same with people who give bad advice.

But there are many areas for which only TIME is a judge of competence –not the reasoning of men. The Silver Rule cancels the effect of rationalizations and intelligent-sounding BS: survival taks and bullshit walks.

There is also a main element that is missed: prediction. Predictors have an incentive to predict likely-events-of-low-consequence when they are not harmed by their errors. But in the real world, what matters is warning about events of high consequence. In the real world, the latter can only be revealed through skin-in-the-game as the supposedly “good predictors” go bankrupt.

Likewise a population that ignores signals goes extinct.

The Silver Rule was a chapter in the back of ANTIFRAGILE, missed because people could not connect it to asymmetry of payoff in general. I am tempted to issue a political policy pamphlet or short book on a deepening and broadening version of skin-in-the-game that would stand outside the *Incerto*.

Would add some elements of “inequality” and the Soviet aberration of manufacturing artificial equality without silver rule.

via SILVER RULE: (i.e. the negative Golden Rule,… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

A “conversation” involving Didier Sornette and yours truly on May 22 in NY. Open to all.

Free! Requires an RSVP. More on ‘Dragon-Kings

A “conversation” involving Didier Sornette and yours truly on May 22 in NY. Open to all.

Risk: Towards More Resilient Systems and Societies

Can we avoid another Manhattan blackout or minimize its impact? Can we sidestep natural catastrophes like Hurricane Sandy? How do we manage risk and complex behavioral patterns that result from a growing interconnectedness of systems?…

via A “conversation” involving Didier Sornette and… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.