Rest In Peace, Seth Roberts.
He was a man of integrity, of intellectual thirst, and a real friend: he truly had skin in the game (he experimented on himself).
We are considering a memorial a-la-Seth: A memorial one-day conference for all his friends and admirers, organized by his pals: John Durant, Tim Ferris, Tucker Max, Gary Taubes, and other members of that independent thinking clique who connected socially through Seth.
Ad vitam aeternam.
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Hello, this is Seth’s sister, Amy, with the sad news that Seth died on Saturday, April 26, 2014. He collapsed while hiking near his home in Berkeley, CA. He had asked that any memorial gifts be made to Amnesty International. Thank you to all for following and sharing Seth’s work.
via Rest In Peace, Seth Roberts. He was a man of… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.