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Describe below a summary of the conversation:
– Taleb talked a lot about a subject he loves: heuristic – a simple command.
– Commented on Seneca – who was the richest man in the Roman Empire – but that was against the dependence of this wealth. Wanted to be prepared for the occurrence of a random event – which could make it poor. Being thus master of his fate (and not his victim).
– Asked about the ” Austrian school “, said the ideas were interesting.
– On “stop loss” / “stop gain” said he does not use in their trades.
– He considered that the concept of bitcoin (or electronic currencies) is very interesting because it takes control of currency issued by governments. But he said not knowing what the future of this market.
Taleb veio ao Brasil para palestrar num evento fechado que está sendo promovido pelo banco de investimentos Credit Suisse First Boston, essa semana. Mas, o “Nietzsche de Wall Street” ou “Nietzsche moderno” – como foi apelidado – fez questão de encontrar com seus leitores, num esquema bem low profile. O local foi escolhido via Facebook, Café Suplicy do shopping Market Place. E lá fui eu, tomada por um entusiasmo que não cabia em mim…
via Rolezinho com Nassim Taleb – Mundo do dinheiro.
HatTip to Pradeep