Monthly Archives: January 2014

Posted an FAQ on this page….

There are two kind of problems with posts.
Good Faith but Bad Topics: The first is people acting
in good faith, without inelegance, but totally
unacquainted with the topic so they reopen discussions
that have long been solved, and distract the rest. It is
the equivalent of someone in a math discussion forum
asking to define the square root and insisting on his
right to pose the question. Also includes people who…

Posted an FAQ on this page.

via Posted an FAQ on this page…. – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

Antifragile Movement

Not an endorsement, just an observation.

Antifragile Movement educates people about the implementation of the concept of antifragility in our daily lives in order to become less fragile.
Antifragile Movement was founded by Rachid Tahri. It educates people about the implementation of the concept of antifragility, discovered by Nassim Nicolas Taleb, in our daily lives in order to become less fragile.

Antifragile Movement.
HatTip to Dave Lull

This is a bit technical (for those into probability)…

This is a bit technical (for those into probability): many psychological “biases” are errors by researchers missing a layer of uncertainty in the model. And the researchers want the government to “nudge” us to make a mistake.

via This is a bit technical (for those into… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb.