It looks like the logical faculties of humans have been dropping in the age of the internet…

It looks like the logical faculties of humans have been dropping in the age of the internet; mistakes are worse today than they were when I published Fooled by Randomness > 12 years ago.
When I wrote here “Virtue is when the income you wish to show the tax agency equals what you wish to show your neighbor” about 1/2 of people including 1/5 here on this site mistook it for an invitation to pay more taxes instead of showing-off much less with your money.
The error almost always linked to Kahneman’s attribute substitution: always reduce the problem to something easier to communicate, at the expense of transforming the meaning, Procrustean Bed style. “We underestimate randomness” turns into “It’s all random”.Now the 1/5 people on this site making such mistakes… it is painful, but we need them to leave.

via It looks like the logical faculties of… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Facebook.

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