Journalists are responsible for changing the culture of risk taking by pointing at “mistakes” by others, seen retrospectively, in both business and science: “Einstein’s Big Mistake”, “Joe Smith’s Failure”, etc. Academic halfmen are st scared of someone pointing at a “mistake” they made somewhere and people justifiably for all they are selling is reputation not results see how scared Pinker is of my disclosure of the flaws in his statistical claims. Regular people are starting to behave like academic halfmen. Yet I can count that I made 600,000 trading “mistakes” during my active business life and if I have a regret, it is that I didn’t make more.
In business, if you survived a mistake, it was not a mistake.Which brings me to the fundamental concept of a heuristic: it is not judged by “right” or “wrong”, but ONLY at the costs of being wrong.
via Journalists are responsible for changing… – Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Facebook.