Monthly Archives: April 2013

Stragegy to deal with academic smear campaign…

Stragegy to deal with academic smear campaign and figure detect technical mistakes in my work, or substantive problems with it.

1) Find academics who are commenting on Antifragile and TBS with bitterness, and possible envy.

2) Send them academic version of backup work (which is referenced in books and they should have read before commenting).

3) Make them produce technical comments on flaws (they are spreading damaging information after all). If they find mistakes, I am a winner as I can improve the works. If they can’t produce a technical comment on a remark which they made using their status *as academic*, then they are in trouble, for an academic is not a journalist and is supposed to not produce pure bullshit or shout his incompetence publicly. Anything an academic writes on a public domain is there for life.

I am fed up with academics who bullshit about my work without engaging substantive issues with it. I want my core points to be engaged.

Let us see the result with one Teppo Fillin. Who knows we might learn something.

via Stragegy to deal… | Facebook.


SKIN IN THE GAME AND TRAFFIC – I was driving on a highway (rare) when it hit me that the system is mega-mega-fragile, the smallest distraction on the part of a single person can cause a cascade of fatalities. But such accidents are (relatively) rare. The system mainly works because everyone involved has skin in the game. Literally, everyone. The risk mitigator is people’s exposure.

I do not want drones on the road.

Note 1- There are large trucks on the highways, and large vehicles in which the driver could cause harm than he could receive; as in a pecking order the smaller vehicles tend to give way. I was driving a small mini and got no respect from large vehicles.

Note 2- I recall seing, during the Lebanese war, Syrian tanks in Beirut systematically trampling over parked cars, not even bothering to pay attention to what was on the road — the drivers in the tanks were shielded from physical and legal harm.

via SKIN IN THE GAME… | Facebook.

In my Fat Tony days…

In my Fat Tony days what was *not* mentioned about someone was the principal designator. The expression “he’s a nice guy” or “vehhhhhry, vehry nice guy” meant “he’s an idiot (but nice)”; “he’s an idiot” meant “he’s an idiot (but not nice)”. As to “He is arrogant”, it meant that “he is smart” *and* the speaker is envious; “he’s a smart guy” meant “he’s smart but the speaker is not envious”.

via In my Fat Tony days… | Facebook.

Friends, the first 57 pages of my linear textbook-style treatise are online…

Friends, the first 57 pages of my linear textbook-style treatise are online. I am still in the pre-antifragility phase. Risk management is the only area in which “practical” and “no BS” are central. Comments are welcome.

via Friends, the first… | Facebook.