5.0 out of 5 stars Fascinating!, January 3, 2013
By Tim Cohn “Reston Runner”
This review is from: Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder (Kindle Edition)
This is a brilliant piece of original work, and, predictably, it seems to infuriate many readers. Why? Mostly, I think, because Taleb’s observations are deadly accurate and he takes a particular delight in ruthlessly pointing out the cluelessness of most academics when it comes to understanding how complicated systems really work — how real systems not only survive adversity but in fact depend on it. Why does any of this matter? Because, whether we like it or not, we exist in a universe of complicated systems — all forms of life, the atmosphere, the oceans, tectonic plates, the solar system — and when we fail to acknowledge this and its implications, we tend to devise “cures” that are worse than the so-called “diseases.” In a grand sense, the future of our society depends on understanding this book’s message; at a smaller level, the book ensures you will have something interesting to talk about at your next cocktail party.
via Amazon.com: Tim Cohn “Reston Runner”‘s review of Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder.