“New year resolutions” are typically modernistic self-enhancement aims such as losing weight/finding love/improving tennis/healthier habits. A loftier resolution: commit to at least one act of “ethical courage”, those acts of honor that counter harmful frauds by individuals or groups such as media/ bankers/ politicians/ lobbyists/ pharma/ InternationalFraternityofHarmfulEmptySuitsWithNoSkinintheGame/ you choose) *and* put yourself at risk, professional, reputational, financial or physical for the sake of your opinions. These acts are precisely defined as going against your self interest and call a fraud a fraud for the benefit (and the safety) of the collective, or shout the truth when it has everything going against it, everything.
In short “skin in the game” in 2013, for you and others. The more risks you take for your opinions the more honorable you will feel.
Happy 2013 everyone!
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