In this portion of the interview, we hear Nassim explore in-depth the reasons why uncertainty and volatility are beneficial in a number of financial situations, where having stressors that force continuous adaptation to current conditions is the healthiest situation one can have.
In this portion of the interview, we hear some of Nassim’s ideas for fixing the big banks’ ability to act irresponsibly and unethically, by making the executives more accountable to the taxpayers that bailed them out.
In this portion of the interview, Nassim discusses with us his own personal investments, and his hedging strategy for protecting himself from very uncertain inflation rates in the years to come
In this portion of the interview, Nassim discusses his thoughts on a current financial threat — the fiscal cliff. He talks about why it makes him uncomfortable to have the government solving the problem with legislation, rather than letting the market solve the problem.
In this portion of the interview, Nassim talks about his views on the importance of “skin in the game” — in other words, how much of a company is owned internally and, thus, how directly concerned executives are with shareholders’ interests.
Somewhere Keynes is smiling down upon us, as his idea was to have negative real interest rates of capital, which he coined with the term “the euthanasia of the rentier”, or Financial Repression, as we know it today. Good luck to NNT and the rest of us who would like 95% of our capital preserved against the ravages of inflation for the next 20 years, without taking some form of market risk.