Monthly Archives: February 2012

So When Is Oversee Going To Let Customers Of Moniker/ Know They Have Been Sold? | The Domains

In addition to being a blogger I’m a domainer that has multiple accounts at and an account at where I spend six figures a year, but to date I haven’t received a email from either or telling me as a customer that the sites have been sold.

Not an email. Not a call from my Rep. Nothing

A letter from Key Systems, the buyer would have been nice as well letting customers know they now own the services and introduce themselves.

I didn’t get one of those either.

via So When Is Oversee Going To Let Customers Of Moniker/ Know They Have Been Sold? | The Domains.

Nassim Taleb: Ban Tesco bonuses | The Spectator

Great stuff! And a hilarious illustration.
HatTip to Dave Lull.

8) Tesco should be banned from paying bonuses. Here’s his argument: that that bailouts introduce the idea of unspoken government insurance — a very valuable policy, a safety net being provided for free to firms deemed ‘too big to fail’. He argues in Black Swan that bonuses encourage managers to hide risk. So he’d draw up ‘a list of companies that may be bailed out if they fail and you tell them you can no longer give bonuses so managers can hide risk.’ Being added to this list would encourage companies to slim down, so their failure would not lead to a bailout. ‘If Tesco tomorrow was to fail, the government is going to have to do some bail out. So: no bonuses.’ That would force Tesco to cut down in size, he says. I asked if this were an odd policy for a free society. ‘No, it is no longer free. A free society is one in which you are not harming others, but you are harming taxpayers. If I have to bail you out, that is no longer capitalism.’

via Nassim Taleb: Ban Tesco bonuses | The Spectator.