Monthly Archives: December 2011

IDF uses ‘Black Swan’ to train cadets for Hezb… JPost – Defense

Concerned that training exercises have become too sterile, the IDF’s Bahd 1 Officer Training School has instituted a new regimen aimed at preparing future officers for the uncertainty and chaos that comes with war.

The new training regimen is the brainchild of Col. Eran Niv – commander of Bahd 1 for the past year – and is called “Black Swan,” referencing the theory developed by Nassim Nicholas Taleb regarding events that take people by surprise.

via IDF uses ‘Black Swan’ to train cadets for Hezb… JPost – Defense.

Jim Lewis: Nassim Taleb is wrong about the financial crisis and black swans « InvestmentWatch

This strikes me as another case of ‘Black Swan Coattail Riding’. I can’t recall NNT describing the financial crisis as anything more than a grey swan at best. Can you?

Black Swans And Complexity
Submitted by Jim Lewis
Nassim Taleb is wrong about the financial crisis and black swans.

The ongoing financial crisis is not the result of a perplexing phenomenon of complexity. It is the beginning of a train wreck we have seen for decades. We are not wandering into a surprise or horrified by the dark specter of a Black Swan rearing its long tailed head; this macro crisis appeared on the horizon long ago, easily calculated by any actuary armed with the knowledge that governments were not investing tax streams, but stealing them for current consumption.

via Jim Lewis: Nassim Taleb is wrong about the financial crisis and black swans « InvestmentWatch. HatTip to Dave Lull.

The paper by Antoine Danchin et al

The paper by Antoine Danchin et al

Antifragility and Tinkering in Biology (and in Business) Flexibility Provides an Efficient Epigeneti

The notion of antifragility, an attribute of systems that makes them thrive under variable conditions, has recently been proposed by Nassim Taleb in a business context. This idea requires the ability of such systems to ‘tinker’, i.e., to creatively respond to changes in their environment. A fairly o…

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