Monthly Archives: November 2011

The continuation of Seneca’s asymmetry

[Unfortunately the link is broken. I don’t have the pdf and NNT is pretty clear about not sharing the documents he posts to anyway.]

The continuation of Seneca’s asymmetry: “Fragility is the new blue”. I need to find the person who wrote it to give proper credit.

via The continuation of… | Facebook.

The entire idea of via negativa…

The entire idea of via negativa is that omission [avoidance of harm, removal of drugs, corn syrup, cigarettes, gluten, carbs by fasting, gym instructors, tail risks, etc.] does not have side effects and branching chains of unintended consequences -hence robust. But big corporations [evil pharma, pepsi] and consultants cannot make money from removing; they only benefit from adding.

via  The entire idea of… | Facebook.