Monthly Archives: October 2011

A big historical quandary: the town of Emesa (today Homs in the Northern Levant)…

A big historical quandary: the town of Emesa (today Homs in the Northern Levant), where Steve Jobs has his ancestry generated at least 4 Roman Emperors (Elagabalus, Caracalla’s (his mother mother Julia Domna), Geta, Severus Alexander), Catholic popes (Anicetus), many many Greek philosophers… The more I dig the more I find…

It's Labor vs. Capital, Stupid | Common Dreams

A few months ago Nassim Taleb, author of the Black Swan, an influential book about the crucial importance of unpredictable, unforeseen events on our financial system was asked whether the hundreds of thousands taking to the streets in Greece was a Black Swan event. He replied, “No. The real Black Swan event is that people are not rioting against the banks in London and New York.”