HatTip to Dave Lull.
ai5000 interviews Nassim Taleb
This is a link to the streaming video (which wasn’t playing very well the day I discovered it. Just added the YouTube links). So I made an audio recording of it. You’ll hear a few skips and pops and the last few seconds of the video wouldn’t play, but it’s interesting to hear NNT share a few more specifics of his (then, Feb 2010) investment strategy.
Nassim Taleb Feb. 2010 Issues for CIOs Now.mp3
What I call cash, I’ve changed my definition of cash, my cash is what I call the numerator. It’s not just cash because I’m afraid of inflation. So I have some inflation-linked securities, what I call repository of value. I have a collection of currencies and metals. So it’s a combination of inflation-linked currencies and metals, but very short term… treasury bills, from governments… is what I call cash.
Nassim was on BBC Newsnight on this past Friday May 28 – the video is at
however, you must be in the UK to watch it. Can somebody get the NNT section of the video and post it here or on youtube? Thanks!
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