Shared by JohnH
Tucked away on NNT’s website, you might not have noticed these.
Technical Papers & Commentary Written about The Black Swan and TheFourth Quadrant
(Theseare not book Reviews, but research using the ideas as a starting point).
Quality,Risk and the Taleb Quadrants IBM Quality & Productivity Research,2009, RonS. Kenett and Charles S. Tapiero
A Black Swan in the Money Market, NBER WorkingPaper No. W13943, Rock Center for Corporate Governance Working Paper No. 33
John B. Taylor and JohnC. Williams, Stanford University and Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Black Swan or Fat Turkey? BusinessStrategy Review, Vol. 19, Issue 3, pp. 34-39, Autumn 2008 Geoff Booth and Elias Mazzawi
Italian Operational Requirement and SmallBanks: The Black Swan Bancaria No. 03-2009 ,Gianfausto Salvadori , Simona Cosma and Giampaolo Gabbi
Nickels versus Black Swans: Reputation,Trading Strategies and Asset Prices Yale ICF Working Paper No. 08-26Steven G. Malliaris and HongjunYan CYale University – International Center for Finance andYale University – International Center for Finance
Swan-Upmanship BusinessStrategy Review, Vol. 20, Issue 1, pp. 58-61, Spring 2009, Des Dearlove
The FinancialMeltdown of 2008: Causes and Symptoms Saur Vaishwanar
Strategies formanaging the Consequences of Black Swan Events, AvinashM Nafday, Leadership and Management in Engineering,October 2009
Black Swans orBlack Holes, Gerry Smedinghoff, Contingencies,May-Jun 2008